
PDF Export

PDF reports are incredibly useful for sharing with your internal teams or clients. You have the option to create a PDF report for a single monitor or for multiple monitors.

Exporting PDF report of a single monitor

Export PDF

You can configure and export your PDF report of a single monitor.

Report Type

You can change the report type before exporting it. Choose "Uptime Report" for an inclusive, detailed report. "Summary Report" provides a brief summary of the monitor.

Start Date

You can adjust the start date for the uptime report.

Report Title

You can rename the report, which will change the title and the file name.

Report Language

We support 2 languages while exporting reports. You can choose your desired language in this section.

Date Format

You can change your date format according to your preference as DD/MM/YYY, MM/DD/YYY, or YYY/MM/DD.

Additional Settings

Event Logs

According to your preference, you can include or exclude event logs of the monitor.

Monitor Details

You can include or exclude the monitor name, URL, etc.


You can include or exclude monitor charts to the report.


You can include or exclude URLs of the monitor.


You can include or exclude the favicon of the monitor.

Excel Export

Excel reports are extremely useful for conducting further operations on your monitor's stats, such as creating an internal report based on the monitor's response times. You have the option to create an Excel report for a single monitor or for multiple monitors.

Exporting Excel report of a single monitor

Export Excel Report

You can configure and export your Excel report of a single monitor.

Start Date

You can adjust the start date for the report.

Report Title

You can rename the report, which will change the title and the file name.

Report Language

We support 2 languages while exporting reports. You can choose your desired language in this section.

Date Format

You can change your date format according to your preference as DD/MM/YYY, MM/DD/YYY, or YYY/MM/DD.

Request Settings

You can include or exclude request settings on your Excel report.

Notification Settings

You can include or exclude notification settings on your Excel report.

Last updated